What's the biggest risk in an (IT) project ?

I found this very true, especially when
I used to focus more on the deployment, but not success (or failure ?) measure and to realize/leverage its value creation
Even when I were to track some measures, the criteria somehow seem a bit blur and not convincing (me) enough
Just read a very interesting article about this : Why IT can't seem to deliver measurable productivity ? and found some interesting points
Are your investments in IT bearing measurable results? Or are the benefits more “feels-right” types of results? Perhaps IT can’t deliver measurable productivity because the measurements are wrong.
Janne quotes MIT’s Erik Brynjolfsson, who in 1993 published a landmark paper on why the productivity impacts of IT is so hard to measure:
1) measurement error due to use of conventional productivity-measurement approaches;
2) time lags in IT payoffs;
3) localized optimization; and
4) lack of explicit measures of the value of information.
“both innovation and replication require a combination of leadership and insight from executives. Take innovation: Many companies use IT to capture huge amounts of data from their operations, but relatively few have been able to use this data creatively.”
IT investments should be judged by their overall bottom line impact, including not only cost reductions and efficiency gains but also the indirect impact that IT has on increasing business effectiveness.
some other nice article for reference: Escaping the IT Productivity Paradox